Thiruchelvam Thanaraj
Pharmaceutical Professional Apotex,Inc Canada
Title: Impact of cannabis (Marijuana) legalization in Canadian culture and the possibility of adopting its biochemical properties in pharmaceutical industry

Dr. Thiruchelvam Thanaraj, former Associate Professor, current Research and Education Consultant and R&D Pharmaceutical Professional at Apotex, Inc. Toronto, Canada. He earned his Doctorate degree in Postharvest Technology and Food Analysis at Cranfield Health, Cranfield University, UK whereas Dr. Thanaraj studied the chemometric profiles of biochemical compounds of fruits and vegetables with special emphasise to Sri Lankan mango fruits. He did Master of Philosophy and Bachelor's degrees in Postharvest Technology/Agriculture at PGIA, University of Peradeniya and Eastern University, Sri Lanka, respectively. He received many scholarships and grants, attended a number of international conferences and workshops and presented both oral and poster in Sri Lanka, India, UK, Germany, Turkey, USA and Canada. And also, he published over 30 publications including internationals journals and book chapters.
Cannabis may be legally available in Canada for medical as well as recreational purposes in the future. Though the Senate has just passed the legislation with dozens of amendments, it seems still a lot of home works to be done to bring the bill and related procedures to a right and reliable path acceptable by most of the Canadian residents. Back and forth discussions, voting and amendments on the bill is going on between the Senate and House of Common. Therefore, no updated facts of the legislation and its proposed amendments officially available to public yet. However, it is expected the legalization and its subsequent public use of recreational cannabis will definitely face a lot of challenges in terms of implementation and monitoring. In the meantime, legalization of medical cannabis may not get much public attention as it will be beneficial to the globe as a whole, and also it will provide a passage to researchers and scientist to explore more on the plant and its benefits in detail.
So far cannabis is known among Canadian as one of the illegal drugs, which was said to relief pain and anxiety for those in need. Canada, especially Ontario is a very diverse multicultural place, very traditional to well westernised people are living here. Therefore, definitely there is a mix feeling and opinion among people on this effort of the Canadian government. But, it seems the motive of the government is to eliminate the illegal (black) cannabis market, regularise its usage and turning down billions of dollar profits towards both provincial and federal government which goes to illegal dealers.
However, those who well understood the pros and cons of this plant, its impact on the community, medical and health benefits and future focus on pharmaceutical industry need to think generously whilst keeping in mind of all possible present and future issues once it is legalized in Canada. Having said that there is a necessity to implement novel food processing, extraction and preservation technologies to diminish the psychoactive properties of Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), especially in recreational marijuana. In the meantime, initiate positive steps to explore hundreds of valuable biochemical components of this plant including THC and Cannabidiol (CBD), which is expected to have some exceptional health benefits. Furthermore, advanced and continuous research is needed to explore and dissect cannabis plant, its components, benefits and impacts in detail. Positive thinking and approach are key in this issue, if cannabis is legalised and arrived in front of public, it is better to find out the possible ways and means to utilize this valuable plant to its optimum in meaningful ways with minimum impact to the public safety; rather than criticising, protesting or misusing it hence these activities may cause negative impact.
Thiruchelvam Thanaraj
Pharmaceutical Professional Apotex,Inc Canada
Title: Impact of cannabis (Marijuana) legalization in Canadian culture and the possibility of adopting its biochemical properties in pharmaceutical industry

Dr. Thiruchelvam Thanaraj, former Associate Professor, current Research and Education Consultant and R&D Pharmaceutical Professional at Apotex, Inc. Toronto, Canada. He earned his Doctorate degree in Postharvest Technology and Food Analysis at Cranfield Health, Cranfield University, UK whereas Dr. Thanaraj studied the chemometric profiles of biochemical compounds of fruits and vegetables with special emphasise to Sri Lankan mango fruits. He did Master of Philosophy and Bachelor's degrees in Postharvest Technology/Agriculture at PGIA, University of Peradeniya and Eastern University, Sri Lanka, respectively. He received many scholarships and grants, attended a number of international conferences and workshops and presented both oral and poster in Sri Lanka, India, UK, Germany, Turkey, USA and Canada. And also, he published over 30 publications including internationals journals and book chapters.
Cannabis may be legally available in Canada for medical as well as recreational purposes in the future. Though the Senate has just passed the legislation with dozens of amendments, it seems still a lot of home works to be done to bring the bill and related procedures to a right and reliable path acceptable by most of the Canadian residents. Back and forth discussions, voting and amendments on the bill is going on between the Senate and House of Common. Therefore, no updated facts of the legislation and its proposed amendments officially available to public yet. However, it is expected the legalization and its subsequent public use of recreational cannabis will definitely face a lot of challenges in terms of implementation and monitoring. In the meantime, legalization of medical cannabis may not get much public attention as it will be beneficial to the globe as a whole, and also it will provide a passage to researchers and scientist to explore more on the plant and its benefits in detail.
So far cannabis is known among Canadian as one of the illegal drugs, which was said to relief pain and anxiety for those in need. Canada, especially Ontario is a very diverse multicultural place, very traditional to well westernised people are living here. Therefore, definitely there is a mix feeling and opinion among people on this effort of the Canadian government. But, it seems the motive of the government is to eliminate the illegal (black) cannabis market, regularise its usage and turning down billions of dollar profits towards both provincial and federal government which goes to illegal dealers.
However, those who well understood the pros and cons of this plant, its impact on the community, medical and health benefits and future focus on pharmaceutical industry need to think generously whilst keeping in mind of all possible present and future issues once it is legalized in Canada. Having said that there is a necessity to implement novel food processing, extraction and preservation technologies to diminish the psychoactive properties of Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), especially in recreational marijuana. In the meantime, initiate positive steps to explore hundreds of valuable biochemical components of this plant including THC and Cannabidiol (CBD), which is expected to have some exceptional health benefits. Furthermore, advanced and continuous research is needed to explore and dissect cannabis plant, its components, benefits and impacts in detail. Positive thinking and approach are key in this issue, if cannabis is legalised and arrived in front of public, it is better to find out the possible ways and means to utilize this valuable plant to its optimum in meaningful ways with minimum impact to the public safety; rather than criticising, protesting or misusing it hence these activities may cause negative impact.