Professor Adegoke obtained his PhD degree (Veterinary Microbiology) in 1984 from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria and is a full Professor in the Department of Food Technology, University of Ibadan, Nigeria. Prof Adegoke is a recipient of scholarships and fellowships from the governments of Nigeria, Belgium, France, Germany, Japan, Finland and Canada. Prof Adegoke has taught in universities in Zambia, Kenya, South Africa and Lesotho and Nigeria. Professor Adegoke was invited as a Consultant by the World Health Organization (WHO)  in 1996, 1999, 2002 and 2007 on issues relating to Healthy Food  Market, acrylamide and food safety( FERG). Professor Adegoke is currently a member of FAO's JECFA on food additives, contaminants and natural toxicants .
Professor Adegoke is an online reviewer for several professional journals and he is on the Editorial Boards of The African Journal of Food, Agriculture and Development (AJFAND) and some other international journals with reasonable impact factors. He is the Editor-in-Chief, Current Bacteriology (USA).
Professor Adegoke's competencies are in the areas of food safety, food additives and microbial toxicants particularly fungal toxins .